Vishwa Vani Movement was born on the 1st of May 1980, when a few people under the leadership of Emil Annan gathered to pray for the country at the shores of Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. They were directed by God and guided by the Holy Spirit through Romans 15:20 to start Vishwa Vani to reach the unreached villages in India. It was registered as a society in 1987 with 42 workers. Today, there are 4678 (2125 Families, 428 unmarried) workers labouring in 29 states of our country.

Genuine mission fields are identified after through surveys ensuring that no other person or organization is working in the area. A native full-time worker is appointed for every five villages. By the immense grace of god, the true gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed among more than 336 language/people groups in 10,250 villages assigned to 1959 mission fields spread across 213 districts in 29 states of our country. Bible Study Groups are being conducted in 7540 villages. Learn–Enrich–Grow (LEG) centers are held weekly in 7769 places to strengthen new believers in the word through audio lessons. The ministry is accelerated through films and other media.

Vishwa Vani Prayer Network is vigorously working to raise prayer support to strengthen ministry by starting prayer cells and groups throughout India. Vishwa Vani Samarpan, a monthly magazine in 12 vernacular languages provides updated information for prayer and partnership. The Community Development Programs are carried out under “ Vishwasi Sangati “ a social arm of Vishwa Vani Network. God is helping us to run Child Care Centers, English Medium Schools, Tuition Classes, Sewing Centers, Adult Literacy, and Free Medical Camps wherever Medicare is scarce through Vishwasi Sangati. Help is extended to those who are affected by natural calamities in the mission fields.

God is raising Indian Believers to meet the dire need of this ministry. Hallelujah. Families support through saving boxes, village adoption, and partner to see a church building in every village of our nation.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership in this divine moment.